stop procrastinating 100%

7 Tips to Stop Procrastination and Increase Your Productivity by 100% 

1. Get the difficult things done first    4. Know the benefits of working on your tasks

2. Create a to do list                          5. Just start working, no matter how you feel

3. Say no to distractions                     6. Let idle words pass by

                                        7. Keep your mind engaged

There is an old fable of the blind to achieve a healer.stop procrastinating 100%
 The healer asked if he could give
 her new perspective. The healer winks , spent a few hours analyzing multiple tracks, then
 gives the man a prescription for a special paste to rub on his eyes.stop procrastinating 100%
 And pay a high price.
Indiscriminate use this remedy, and vision statements .
A second blind man , hearing this ,stop procrastinating 100% do not want to pay full price healer.
 So he steals the recipe, but in your application, your eyes fall upon .
 He goes to the healer to complain about what happened - and healing shrugs
 "Healing depends on the cause blindness is just a symptom ."

And that's what the delay is . Just a symptom . The best way to stop
 procrastinating is to find the cause,stop procrastinating 100% then stop.
Here is a simple method of step 3 to stop procrastinating :
A .stop procrastinating 100% Recognize when you are procrastinating

You would not believe it, but it is surprising that many people will sit for
 hours , trying to force them to work , stop procrastinating 100%but accomplish nothing .
Recognize when you are busy without being productive , and stop .
 There is always a better use of your time to go for something fun or relax 
a bit ,stop procrastinating 100% instead of being busy when you're not accomplish anything .

You can tel if you put off asking the following questions:
Do you like what I 'm doing right now ?stop procrastinating 100%
What I 've done something useful in the past 10 minutes ?
I 'm busy, just because I feel I have to do something ?

If you answered "no" to the first two questions and "yes" to the previous
 question, take a break.
Two . Identify the cause
Here are three of the most common causes of procrastination :

a) boring tasks

b) low energy levels

c) be forced to do something

The treatment will be very different depending on the cause.stop procrastinating 100%

And of course, the third step is ...

Three .stop procrastinating 100% Apply the appropriate solution

For the above symptoms , it would be :

a) Make fun task stop procrastinating 100%(which has much more detail in my free newsletter
 on overcoming procrastination )

b) Take a break (maybe take a nap or go for something fun for a while)

c ) This is the most problematic. stop procrastinating 100%But basically , if you can get a 
"fake" task, and force you to do , you 're likely to start to procrastinate
 against her, stop procrastinating 100% and the initial work done.

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